SpinelineRehab Inc

 621 Plainfield Road, Suite 105, Willowbrook IL 60527

 ph 630-828-3824


International Schroth

3D Scoliosis Therapy

According to Katharina Schroth

Certification Course

ISST website Inquiry Registration Goals and Objectives

   Part I                        Sep 10th to Sep 14th, 2024

 -An overview of theory and practice of

 the Schroth approach

-general information of scoliosis

-recognize signs of scoliosis and


-understanding ‘Body Blocks’

-corrective breathing

-basic correction and stabilization exercise

There will be a written examination at the conclusion of part I

  Part II                            Mar 4th to Mar 8th, 2025

- refine the theory of the Schroth method

- additional scoliosis classifications

-the standardized therapeutic process,

  from physical examination to the individual

  therapy plan

-ADLs postural education

-specific auxiliary manual techniques

-adult scoliosis and complications

There will be a practical examination at the
conclusion of part II

Overview of the ISST course program

The complete certification includes two parts of

5 days each with a total of 77 continuing education hours. A written examination will be given at the end of part I and a practical exam at the end of part II. In between part I and part II course, therapists are encouraged to implement and practice the learned elements. Participants need to prepare 2 case reports for two different patients before part II.

Therapists who complete the full certification

course and examinations will be listed as Certified ISST- Schroth Therapist at the Spine Concept

Soberheim web site

Schroth Therapist Listing Continuing education course              for physical therapists